Post Upload Deduplication

Merge WAVs or AIFFs with their matching MP3s after the upload has completed.
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Lesson Summary

  1. Identifying Duplicates: After a bulk upload, identify playlists with duplicate files of different file types, typically MP3s and WAVs (assuming they were in different folders for the upload).
  2. Playlist Preparation: Drag both playlists into the playlist creator to place matching tracks next to each other.
  3. Metadata Importance: MP3s usually carry better metadata compared to WAV files.
  4. Starting the Merge: Select the first two files (MP3 and WAV) by holding Shift or Command, then open the merge area from the menu.
  5. Metadata Verification: Double-check the metadata on both tracks. Choose to retain the MP3 metadata while keeping the WAV file.
  6. Merging Tracks: Select the MP3 for metadata and the WAV for quality, then click "merge tracks." Repeat this for all tracks in the album.
  7. Renaming Playlists: Once merged, rename one of the playlists with the artist and album name for clarity.
  8. Deleting Duplicate Playlist: Delete the redundant playlist to avoid confusion and maintain a clean account.
  9. Catalog Cleanup: Repeat the process for all albums to ensure a well-organized catalog.