Intro to DISCO Page EPK Course

Welcome to the EPK course where we'll walk you through uploading files, editing metadata, and designing a beautiful DISCO page to promote your music.
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Lesson Summary

  1. Header Image and Album Artwork: DISCO Pages feature a large header image and the album cover.
  2. Artist Bio: An expandable section where the artist's biography is displayed, offering detailed information
  3. Social Media Integration: All relevant social media links are included, allowing easy access to the artist’s online presence.
  4. Streamable and Downloadable Tracks: The tracks are available for streaming directly from the page, with options to download if permitted.
  5. Lyrics and Track Notes: Lyrics are accessible for each track, with additional notes provided if available, enhancing the listener's experience.
  6. Additional Media Files: Other media related to the release, such as promotional materials or high-resolution images, can be previewed and downloaded.
  7. Embedded Videos: Videos can be embedded on the page, providing an integrated viewing experience without needing external links.
  8. Save to DISCO Account: The page includes an option for recipients to save all assets directly to their DISCO account.