Channels & Subfolders for Organizing

Channels provide a familiar nested folder structure or "filing cabinet" to organize playlists and albums into projects, artist/composer folders, etc.

Chat icon

Channels Overview

Channels were originally built as a way to organize playlists and tracks into a traditional folder hierarchy.

In this lesson you'll learn:

  1. Channel basics and their quirks
  2. The difference between Channels and folders, and how to create them
  3. Channel view and access options
  4. Adding and moving content in Channels

Channel Quirks

Channels can be used in a wide range of applications, but they have a few quirks that you should understand:

  • The same playlist can be added to many Channels (similar to the way a single track can be added to many playlists).
  • We recommend storing tracks in individual playlists, instead of free-floating in Channels.
  • Channels and folders can be shared.
  • Folders can be moved into other Channels.
  • Channels can NOT be moved into other Channels.

Check out some common Channel-Folder structures and tips in this article.

Creating Channels & Folders

Click the (+) sign to the right of CHANNELS in the sidebar to create a new Channel.

Gif showing how to create a new channel

Nest Folders Inside Channels

From the main sidebar, add folders to Channels by clicking “Add folder” in each Channel’s menu options, or by selecting “Add folder” from the menu options once a Channel is already open.

Gif showing how to create a folder inside a channel

Nest Subfolders Inside Folders

gif showing how to add a subfolder inside a folder

Accessing Folders in Channels

  • Channels can be expanded in the sidebar or in the Explorer (columns in the middle of DISCO) to access folders and subfolders.
  • Selected folders open to the right in the Explorer area columns.
Playlists do not display in the sidebar when Channels are expanded.
Channels expanded in side bar
Expand artists channel with band folders

Moving vs Adding Content

When a playlist is dragged from the Browse area into a Channel, it is added to the Channel while still retaining its place in Browse. This is because Browse is the underlying storage area for all content in your DISCO.

In the below gif "The Checks - Winter Sun" playlist is added from browse to "The Checks" folder inside the "Catalog Artists" Channel.

gif showing how to drag a playlist from browse into a channel

In contrast, when a playlist is dragged from a Channel into a folder or another Channel, it moves the playlist from its current place.

gif showing how to move a playlist from one folder to another

Folders can be moved from one Channel into another by dragging and dropping.

gif showing how to drag a subfolder into a different channel

The folder can also be dragged and moved within the sidebar.

Drag subfolder into a different channel in the sidebar
gif showing how to more a subfolder to another channel

The Playlist menu has the option to "Add to Channel" - use this function if the playlist should be kept in the current folder and also added to another Channel or folder.

Gif showing how to add to a channel from the playlist menu

The "Add to Channel" option is generally the fastest method because it allows you to quickly search for the folder instead of scrolling through every Channel and folder in your DISCO.

add to channel from the playlist menu


In this article, we've covered the basics of DISCO Channels, including what they are, how to create them, and how to add and move content within them. By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your Channels are organized in a logical and intuitive way, making it easy to find and access your content whenever you need it. With a little practice, you'll be a Channel Expert in no time!

Questions answered

What is a Channel?

How can I organize playlists into folders?

How should I manage my projects?

How can I organize my catalog into artist folders?

What is the difference between a playlist and a channel?