Mailing List Management

DISCO's mailing list manager is perfect for segmenting contacts into targeted lists. You can easily send emails to these lists from the Playlist Share area or create and send newsletters using the Email Creator.

Chat icon

Create Mailing Lists

Open the Mailing List dashboard from the sidebar:

Mailing lists highlighted in the sidebar

Click "Create new list" at the top right:

Create new list button highlighted

Customize the Mailing List settings:

Create mailing list pop up

Add Contacts to Mailing Lists

After saving your list, it's time to add contacts.

Simply select the new list, and you’ll find options to add recipients:

New mailing list add contacts options

Add Existing DISCO Contacts

Selecting this option will open your Contacts list, where you can choose recipients by clicking to the left of their names.

Finish up clicking "Add to list":

Add existing contacts to mailing lists button

Import Contacts from Spreadsheets

You can import an existing spreadsheet of contacts from another service, such as Mailchimp or your own database. Clicking this importing option will lead you to a pop-up where you can then upload your sheet. Each sheet (.csv file) must have at least filled-in name and email fields.

Import contacts upload page

Once you have uploaded your sheet and confirmed that you have permission to email the recipients, click on "Import Contacts." You will then be prompted to map columns contained  in your sheet with those supported by DISCO:

Map fields from the csv to the contact database

After mapping, click "Import".

If you run into errors during the import, double check the spreadsheet for missing or unusual data before reimporting.

If issues persist, please don't hesitate to reach out to our Support Team for assistance.

Add an Individual Contact

Add a new contact to a mailing list

Share to a Mailing List

You can send playlists to specific mailing lists by typing the list names into the address bar in the Playlist Share area.

Mailing lists are indicated by a little blue group icon to the left of the list name:

Email Playlist to a mailing list

Questions answered

How can I segment my contacts into mailing lists?

How can I share to a list of contacts in one send?