Playlist Tags Optimize Reports

Playlist tags provide a helpful filter to report on a group of playlists by type and/or use case - for example, all playlists sent to a specific client or for a specific type of media (trailers, ads, etc.).

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Example Reports

Report on Playlists Sent to a Specific Company

Use Case: Show all playlists sent to Bank Name

  • This report displays all playlists, tracks, and artists pitched to the specific bank client we added to the tag filter.
Pro tip: Add the yellow "Client" banner while saving playlists that are about to be delivered. This shows your team that the playlist has been sent, and provides a very useful report filter.
Client version toggle highlighted while saving a playlist
  • These reports are especially useful when pitching to many different people or departments at a single company (Netflix, NBC, Fox, Disney, etc.)
  • In this scenario, we've provided a few different searches for a bank.
  • All the playlists are tagged with the bank’s name (indicated by the yellow tag)
  • Note that only three client lists were shared with the bank:
Examples of client flag on playlists in the explorer
Reports should be filtered to only include playlists that have been sent/pitched with the “Clients lists only” field set to  “Yes.”
  1. Open Reports from the Sidebar
  2. Expand the Filters area
  3. Under "Filter by tag," select the client name tag ("Bank Name" in this example)
  4. Set the "Clients lists only" dropdown to "Yes"
Report on the bank playlist tag
  • Preview and/or download the report as a CSV:
Report preview shows all playlists with the bank tag
  • Note that Report previews do not always show full results and should be downloaded.
  • Reports with over 10k results, or that take longer than one minute to generate, will be emailed to you upon completion.

Report on a Production/Media Type

Use Case: show all playlists sent to film productions.

When replying to sync opportunities, add Playlist tags to specify the media type.

  1. Open Reports
  2. Choose a time period (if necessary)
  3. Expand the Filters section
  4. Under "Filter by tag" select the media type tag - we are using "Film" in this example
  5. "Clients lists only" = "Yes"
  6. Expand the "More options" section to ensure that the "Include tags" option is selected
Report on Film playlist tag
Report preview shows all playlists with the film tag

Report to an Artist and Show Media Types

Use Case: Show all playlists that include Racing

This report only includes tracks by a specific artist, achieved by utilizing the metadata field selector:

  1. Open reports
  2. Choose a time period (if necessary)
  3. Open the metadata field selector - "Artist" for this example
  4. Enter the Artist name - "Racing" for this example
  5. Expand Filters and select "Clients lists only" = "Yes"
  6. Expand More options and select "Include tags"

The generated report exclusively features tracks by the  artist “Racing” within each playlist; media type is displayed in the Tags column, along with any other relevant playlist tags:

Report settings for specific artist

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