Track Tags

Track tags are categorized descriptors that help optimize relevant tracks in search results. Tag color indicators can be added to improve collaboration and display important details at a glance.

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Track Tags Overview

Track Tags provide a number of functions in DISCO to improve search and quickly convey bites of information.

In this article, you'll learn how to: 

  1. View and add track tags
  2. Create custom tags
  3. Add Color Indicators
  4. Control tag visibility
  5. Remove tags
Your track tags are only visible inside your DISCO and in your DISCO Catalogs.

Track tags are not ID3 metadata that travel on files. But you can implement settings to automatically write track tags into Comments on downloaded tracks.

View & Add Track Tags

Select a track to open the column to the right, where  track tags are stored:

Viewing track tags in the explorer

DISCO’s Auto-tagging AI (a Discovery Suite add-on) can add tags to all your tracks in seconds, or you can add tags manually.

  • Select the tag icon  in the top right:
Track tag icon highlighted for adding tags


  • Use the tag search bar to find and select tags:
Search and select tags

Create Custom Tags

  • Select "Manage tags" to open the Track Tags settings:
Manage tags button highlighted
  • Select the "Add track tags" button
  • Select a tag category and enter a tag name
  • Note: You can't add custom categories
The "Type" category is a good catch-all if another one isn't immediately obvious.
Highlight add track rtags button

Add Color Indicators

Tag color indicators (available in Pro plans) provide a quick visual reference to highlight important tags, wherever they are in DISCO.

  • In the track tag settings, add a color indicator from the menu to the right of the lock:
Add color indicator button highlighted
  • Edit custom tags and add or remove color indicators from this menu:
Edit tag option highlighted
  • The Track info hover displays tags with color indicators:
info hover highlighted with track colour indicators
Learn more about searching with track tags.

Control Tag Visibility

Certain tags are appropriate for internal use only; clients or anyone outside your business should not see them. Toggling the settings below ensures that a  track tag will not be visible to clients in DISCO Catalogs, or written into metadata Comments.

  • Open Tag settings
  • Find the tags that should remain private
  • Switch the lock from green to grey
Highlight of the tag lock to limit how it travels
🕺🏽 Internal tags like "Do Not Pitch" should be locked.

Remove tags

  • Click the "X" next to a tag to remove it from the track:
X botton to remove a tag is highlighted


Track tags are a powerful tool for organizing and searching your music in DISCO. By understanding how to add, customize, and manage tags, you can efficiently and effectively communicate info both internally and on the client-side.

Remember, you can always use DISCO's auto-tagging AI to quickly add tags to your tracks!

Questions answered

How can I add searchable tags to my tracks in DISCO?

Can I color code my tracks?

How can I make custom tags?

Is there a way for DISCO to tag my tracks for me?