Instant Instrumentals

Create an Instant Instrumental from any auto-tagged track in less than a minute!

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Why are instrumental mixes helpful?

Music Supervisors are constantly under pressure to find the perfect track to work in each scene or job. Often that perfect track is an instrumental version, especially if there is dialogue in the scene, and the music supervisor will call you to ask for it.

If you don't have an instrumental version stored in DISCO (or anywhere), the Instant Instrumentals feature can generate it in a minute and help you stay in the running to land that sync!

Creating Instant Instrumentals

Instant Instrumentals can only be created in DISCO accounts that are subscribed to the Discovery Suite.

Tracks must be auto-tagged by DISCO's AI before the instrumental generation will work.

  • Open the track menu and select "Instant Instrumental"
  • The Instrumental generation should be completed in a minute
  • The newly created track will appear nested under the main version
  • Metadata on the main version will be copied across to the new instrumental track

Learn more about nesting track versions here.